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Religious Education

RE at Hopwood


At Hopwood, all pupils visit the places of worship of all the principle faiths they study as part of our Experience Promise. 







In RE, Year 1 visited our local Church. They completed a Easter hunt and lots of fun activities.

Diwali Dance Workshops

Some of our children enjoyed telling us about their Eid celebrations this weekend.

We celebrated Chinese New Year with delicious food, a whole school assembly, fun activities in class and we finished the day with fortune cookies. The hall was also filled with lanterns and a dragon.

Year 3 took part in a Christingle service at our local Church

Raising money for Children in Need

We received an overwhelming amount of food to contribute to the work of our local foodbank

Religious visitor - Presentation about Ramadan

Whole School Diwali Celebrations

Year 6 used the VR headsets in RE to explore the similarities and differences between places of worship and how art is used to portray Holy events.

Christmas Nativity

Year 4 Visit to a Hindu Temple

Year 5 Visit to a Synagogue and Jewish Museum
