
Safeguarding Notice

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Miss Harland, Mrs Hill or Mrs Dixon

Please see the safeguarding section of our website under Policies > Safeguarding.

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Year 6 Suffragette Protect

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Year 6 have loved learning about The Suffragettes. They have written speeches from a number of perspectives, shown empathy and developed their own views on equality. This week we have designed our own protest posters and then staged our own protest with a march, chanting and speech reading. A fantastic way to conclude our learning of this particular event.

Year 6 have had visitors from road safety and the local police this week. They have learnt how to be safe around vehicles and identified blind spots for themselves whilst in the drivers seat!

Year 6 have worked so hard in their whole class singing this term. We concluded with our performance on Thursday afternoon and they did themselves, Miss Anson, Miss Harrison and Miss Genty so proud. Well done Year 6!

Class 13 met their buddies and worked with them beautifully. Well done all!

This week we have dissected lambs hearts as part of our Healthy Bodies topic in science. We have located and understood the uses of the aorta, pulmonary veins and arteries and how the heart is a muscle.

Class 13 have enjoyed a workshop based on World War 2, they built Anderson shelters after learning about how they were built and what they were used for.

Class 13 have been looking at the human heart using VR goggles.

This week Class 13 have completed their make for their DT projects! We have made our electric board games which have linked to our science topic this half term.

Performance Poem

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We learnt lots about life during the war at Eden Camp. Well done on representing Hopwood beautifully, Year 6!

PGL was a huge success! Well done to all of our children.

This week, Year 6 attended Crucial Crew to learn all about staying safe in our community. They represented the school beautifully, well done.

Year 6 sang beautifully at the coffee morning this week! Thank you to all who came.

Class 13 have been presenting slideshows about Islamic art, giving reasons why Allah is not present in any of the work.

Class 13 have had their first singing session with Rochdale Music Service. We learnt all about our larynx and how it helps us make our voices higher and lower when we speak or sing.
