Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Miss Harland, Mrs Hill or Mrs Dixon
Please see the safeguarding section of our website under Policies > Safeguarding.
We have received our certificates from taking part in the Bebras challenge. We enjoyed taking part and would like to take part in it again next year.
We have enjoyed using the crumble
kits in our after school club. We practised using the crumble boards and sparkles in circuits and programming our lights to show different colours.
We have been busy practising our computational thinking skills in our after school club. We have been completing previous BEBRAS puzzles before we take part in the 2024 challenge.
At parents evening we ran an online safety information stand. We also talked to lots of parents to ask them about any apps or online games they would like more information about.
This half term we are looking forward to recruiting new Digital Leaders from Year 5. We created a PowerPoint and presented to Year 5 before shortlisting from 19 application forms, we invited 7 year 5s to be interviewed. Everyone did really well and we loved all of their different presentations. We appointed all 7!
In the summer term we took part in a kids meet with other Digital Leaders from local schools. We spent the day looking at Crumbles and different projects we could use them for. We added sparkles and buzzers before designing and making our own projects.
In the Spring term we are preparing for Safer Internet Day. We have been looking at this years themes and thinking about what information we can include for our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 videos, which will be shared in class assemblies.
This half term we are meeting after school with Mrs Hill and Mrs Atherton. We are looking forward to learning more about our role, creating avatars, making our own Digital Leader badges for our lanyards. We will be creating short films about key people, who feature in the computing curriculum, to share with our school community and working on our programming skills.
We enjoyed reading 'Webster's Friend' to Year 2 and asking them SMART true or false questions about the story. We can't wait to share more online safety stories!
This week we have been reading through different online safety stories and we are very excited about sharing them with other classes in school. After reading the stories we planned questions that are linked to SMART, that we can ask the children when we have read.
This week we used different inputs and outputs to create pet hamsters using the micro:bits. We added different sounds and led patterns to our pets and for different inputs.
This week we created variable and use if, else statements to make a rock, paper, scissors program for the micro:bits. We designed our own LED designs to represent the symbols in the game. Then we were then able to download our algorithms to the micro:bits to test them.
This week we have been working on our programming skills. We have been working through Code Club's more Scratch projects and practised using sounds and broadcasts in projects.
This week we collaborated with the Science Ambassadors and looked at some of the different functions of the micro:bits. We used the micro:bits to collect data and made our own step counters.
This week we have been using iMovie to make videos to highlight people who feature in our computing curriculum including Rieko Kodama, Alex Scott, Toru Iwatani and Ada Lovelace. Our video about Ada Lovelace will be shared in assembly on 10th October, which is Ada Lovelace Day.
This week we have been programming the LED display on the micro:bits. We used forever commands to create a flashing heart animation and then used different inputs and outputs with different images for each one. We can't wait to try out some of the projects using sound.
We have received a delivery of micro:bits and we are looking forward to learning more about them and supporting them to be used in school.
We have been preparing for our last assembly of the year on 'Online bullying'. We are also looking forward to helping recruit Digital Leaders for next year. We enjoyed taking part in a live code along with Year 5 and 6 to make fitness activity pickers with micro:bits..
We have been supporting Mrs Atherton and the Year 2' Code Club. We helped the children log on to the computers and use Scratch and Hour of Code.
We have been busy getting ready for Safer Internet Day. We wrote our own quiz questions and answers to make a Kahoot, which we ran with Key Stage 2 classes on Safer Internet Day.
We also held a whole school assembly and talked about our Digital footprint., SMART and remembering how important is to talk to people about your experiences online.
We have been busy helping and supporting our school community. We have been logging in and setting up for Year 1 for their computing lessons and we have been supporting staff by running the computer for school assemblies.