
Safeguarding Notice

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Miss Harland, Mrs Hill or Mrs Dixon

Please see the safeguarding section of our website under Policies > Safeguarding.

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Physical Education

Rochdale borough school games partnership School Games Mark Gold Award



Hopwood school has been participating in this award scheme for many years and we have achieved and maintained Gold status for the last 3 years. The majority of our children will represent school at least once in a variety of sports competitions including football, dodgeball and athletics. We often send multiple teams to events through both the Rochdale and Heywood school partnerships. We are very proud of our children's sporting achievements year on year. 

Sports Leaders

We have a team of specially trained Year 6 Sports Leaders. The children have participated in a 6 week training programme where they have learned sports skills, developed their own lesson plans and their leadership skills in order for them to run breaktime activity sessions with younger children under the supervision of school staff. As part of their Sports Leader role, the children attend school competitions and write up reports which will then get posted to their page on the school website. The children take an active role in the organisation and delivery of our school sports day where they demonstrate events and help to organise and support the teams of children and the parents competing. 

Sports clubs and specialist coaches

We offer a range of after school clubs such as gymnastics, hockey, football and netball. These clubs are chosen based on the Sports Leader's research of children's interests and run throughout the year. At Hopwood we employ several specialist coaches to enrich our PE curriculum. Mr Beamish has been employed full time since 2015 and he is supported by Mr Lee in the mornings and Miss Power and Miss Scott who teach dance during the Spring term.  Alongside our specialist coaches, Year 5 children take swimming lessons part of their PE curriculum. 

After school clubs for children include handball, dodgeball, basketball, athletics, gymnastics, cricket and hockey.

Children have worked with Rochdale Hornets to develop their rugby skills.

All Key Stage 2 children receive specialist external dance coaching in a range of styles including Bollywood, Street and African dance.

Mr Lee supports Mr Beamish with the delivery of our PE curriculum. This ensures all children have access to a minimum of 2 hours of PE per week.
